Thursday, January 2, 2014

Winter Weather Brings Winter Projects

                Welcome to the New Year! 2014 it’s hard to believe we’re here already.

Here at Rolling K Farm we are hard at work on lots of winter projects. You might think that winter on a farm is the slow part of the year, but it’s actually one of our busiest. Finally, with the land covered in a layer (Sometimes an extra thick layer) of puffy white snow we are able to complete projects that we can’t during the busy growing and cultivating seasons of Spring and Summer and the hay season of Fall. The Rolling K is no exception to this farming trend. During the winter we work on things like cleaning out barns, raising new flocks, and building development. Here in West Michigan it has been exceedingly cold which makes many of these projects difficult, and yet they must get done. And done they get, eventually!

Right now we are working on growing a large flock of chickens. We had 250 chicks hatch in late October and they are growing beautifully, each week developing new feathers and growing bigger and stronger, think of all those farm fresh eggs!! We also have a pair of calves that were born early this past summer who continue to get bigger and bigger each day. They are currently being kept in their own corral (our Calf Condos as we refer to them as) but will soon be taking a trip up to the big barn where they will join their more mature older siblings. There are also two pigs residing down by the calves. They are loving being able to rut and dig through all this fresh snow we have.

                We have also spent the past couple of week constructing a new chicken barn that will house all 250 of our chickens, not only protecting them from the environment and predators but also give them the best laying conditions as possible. With all the ice we have had over the past couple of weeks though this project has been put on hold for the time being, it’s kind of hard to drive nails through a haft inch layer of ice and then the wood. But rest assured the Chickens will have an excellent new place to call home come spring when its time for them to start laying.

                Next up- SHEEP. We have never had sheep here on the farm before so we are very excited about this upcoming venture. This Saturday we are heading out to look at some Ewes (pronounced YOU’s) and plan to have them lambing before summer so that we can offer lambs to those who are looking for organic meat lambs. We have been doing lots of research and are very excited about this new adventure.

                Stay up to date on all the exciting happening around the farm by following our blog and liking us on facebook!

Producers of farm fresh produce, livestock and Hay!

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